
The New Role and Responsibilities of Marketing

Most industries (not distribution) have been taking significant strides toward integrating their sales and marketing departments into what is now known as the Sales and Marketing Team -- two separate departments working as one team. [...]

Marketing Should be Treated as a Profit Center

Marketing should be treated as a profit center, even in distribution companies. Sure it's an investment, but when done correctly, it will produce a measurable return in the form of qualified leads that can convert into bankable sales.

How Marketing Can Drive More Sales

The marketing and sales teams share the same primary goal of increasing revenue by increasing sales. The best way to do this is to give your sales team a smart marketing team [...]

eCommerce In Distribution: Make It Work For You

When it comes to eCommerce in distribution, I've found that most distributors feel like they’re up against a wall when facing competition from giants like Amazon. Although most distribution companies offer personalized, knowledgeable service, they still [...]

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