Marketing AutomationA remodeling contractor in the Carolinas wanted to decrease their marketing spend, but they didn’t know what to cut. They used a variety of expensive marketing channels including home shows, radio and television ads, and internet advertising. They also did some social media and email marketing. They did very well, generated a lot of leads, but they weren’t, however, measuring their spending vs. their return on their investment.

They had plenty of leads, but they weren’t sure where most of them came from or which leads were interested in which service.  Needless to say, the salespeople spent a lot of time sorting through batches of leads each week.

They knew their sales and marketing efforts could function more efficiently, so with some easy tweaking to their marketing processes, and some much-needed input from their sales team, they were able to see which marketing channels generated the most ROI. The knowledge they gained from measuring their ROI allowed them to cut out the marketing with the lowest ROI and free up their salespeople to focus on their most valuable leads.

How’d They Do It?

They started using some simple marketing automation software.  With it they:

  • Captured relevant info for each lead,
  • Used a lead scoring system to highlight the best prospects,
  • Upsold existing customers by tracking their internet behavior, and
  • Tracked the most profitable keyword phrases for their advertising campaigns and shifted focus to higher converting keywords.

They got the clarity they needed which led to greater profits (a 10x return on their marketing investment and a 35% lead increase.)

Today, they market smarter, not harder. They have good measures in place and spend their marketing resources more purposefully.

How is the return on investment in your marketing efforts measuring up? Do you know where your ad dollars are going, which keywords are most successful and which are not? Are you able to qualify your leads? If not, it’s an easy fix. Start by learning more about the benefits of Marketing Automation by reading the guide below, and then give us a call because we can help.

Let’s do this … Together!  

Rather than struggle alone with decisions about what to change, where to invest, and what will work, bring in a team to support you. Together, we will discover the answers you need and teach you and your team to do it on your own. Our goal is to work ourselves out of a job so you can be self-sufficient!

Now is the time to take charge of your company’s digital sales and marketing efforts. I can help.  Just give me a call​, and let’s discuss the best options for moving forward.

We’ll define metrics, set goals, and measure KPIs going forward. You’ll watch your marketing efforts transform into a revenue-generating department that you can tie directly to a positive impact on your bottom line.